Il-25 Ħadd taż-Żmien ta' Matul is-Sena Ċ

Il-25 Ħadd taż-Żmien ta' Matul is-Sena Ċ

"Sidna Ġesù
 Kristu, li kien għani, ftaqar minħabba fikom, sabiex intom tistagħnew permezz tal-faqar tiegħu"

 2 Kor 8:9 


Mulej Ġesù, agħmel li nkunu fidili fil-qadi ta’ dmirijietna fis-soċjetà u fit-tħaddim tal-ġid fdat f’idejna, sabiex ikun jistħoqqilna l-ġid veru, li tagħna tkun is-Saltna ta’ Alla, kif wegħidt fid-diskors tal-barkiet tiegħek: “Henjin intom il-foqra, għax tagħkom hija s-Saltna ta’ Alla”   Lq 6, 20

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The 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich."

2 Cor 8:9


Lord Jesus, make us be faithful in the performance of our duties in society and in the use of the wealth entrusted to us, so that we deserve the true wealth, that ours will be the Kingdom of God, as you promised in speech of your blessings: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God"      Lk 6, 20

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