L-Evanġelju tal-lum ikompli ma’ dak tal-Ħadd ta’ qabel: li nidħlu mill-bieb id-dejjaq.
Fi żmien Ġesù l-ikliet kienu mezz qawwi ta’ soċjalizzazzjoni. Min jistiednek, min ikun mistieden, il-post fuq il-mejda u ħdejn min tkun bilqiegħda, kollha kienu juru l-grad soċjali tal-persuna mistiedna. Jekk fil-ħajja soċjali kien hekk—u forsi għadu xi ftit hekk ukoll—għall-Mulej mhux hekk.
Kulħadd hu mistieden sabiex jipparteċipa mill-mejda Ewkaristika. Alla jistieden lil kulħadd, għax hu missier kulħadd u jagħti l-grazzji tiegħu lil kulħadd. Filwaqt li Alla jrid li kulħadd isalva, huwa ħalliena liberi. Kollox jiddependi mill-għażliet tagħna personali.
Inkunu realistiċi: ilkoll għandna ħafna tajjeb fina, fl-istess waqt, tajjeb naċċettaw ukoll li aħna midinbin. Flimkien ma’ dan, faċilment nsibu din ir-realtà ukoll: min fl-umiltà tiegħu jaċċetta lilu nnifsu u jersaq lejn Alla sabiex itejjeb ħajtu, u min fis-suppervja tiegħu jippretendi li hu aħjar minn kulħadd u jitbiegħed minn Alla.
Kemm hi ħaġa kerha meta niġġudikaw lill-oħrajn u nippretendu li nafu min għandu jidħol fis-Saltna ta’ Alla u min għandu jersaq mal-mejda Ewkaristika.
Ieqaf u Aħseb:
– M’hemmx umiltà mingħajr sinċerità
– Il-kruha u t-toqol li ġġib magħha l-pretensjoni, meta nippretendu li aħna aktar tajbin mill-oħrajn.
– Niftakru li l-aktar ħaġa importanti u meħtieġa hi li jgħollina Alla u mhux il-bniedem.
The 22nd Sunday
in Ordinary Time C
Today's Gospel continues with that of the previous Sunday: that we enter through the narrow gate.
In the time of Jesus, meals were a powerful means of socialization. Who invites you, who is invited, the place on the table and who you are sitting next to, all showed the social rank of the invited person. If it was like that in social life—and maybe it's still a little like that too—for the Lord it's not like that.
Everyone is invited to participate from the Eucharistic table. God invites everyone, because he is the father of everyone and gives his graces to everyone. While God wants everyone to be saved, he has set us free. It all depends on our personal choices.
Let's be realistic: we all have a lot of good in us, at the same time, it's also good to accept that we are sinners. Along with this, we easily find this reality as well: who in his humility accepts himself and approaches God in order to improve his life, and who in his superstition claims to be better than everyone else and moves away from God. How ugly it is when we judge others and pretend to know who should enter the Kingdom of God and who should approach the Eucharistic table.
Stop and Think:
– There is no humility without sincerity
– The beast and the burden that comes with the claim, when we pretend that we are better than others.
- We remember that the most important and necessary thing is that God lifts us up and not man.