WEDNESDAY, 27th AUGUST  -  8.15pm  -  On the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Victory Band Club, a Cantata by the name of BI TWELIDEK REBBAHTNA will be held at the parish church.

THURSDAY, 28th AUGUST  -  After the 6.30pm Mass the statue of Maria Bambina will be taken out of its niche and carried on to the church parvis for a happy celebration.  We are all invited to take part which indicates the start of the feast of Maria Bambina.

FRIDAY, 29th AUGUST  -  12.00pm  -  The church bells will ring to indicate the beginning of the Novena for which we are all urged to attend.
6.30pm  -  Mass with sermon by Can. Albert Schembri for which are invited the Elderly of Naxxar, the widows and widowers and those who lost a member of their family since last year’s feast.

SATURDAY, 30th AUGUST  -   6.30pm  -  Mass for all married couples especially those who got married since last year’s feast,  those who came to live in Naxxar and those who are celebrating their 10th , 25th and 50th wedding anniversary.

SUNDAY, 31st AUGUST  -  8.30am  -  Mass with the participation of the youths of the two Band Clubs.
11.00am  -  Mass animated by the two groups of youths of the parish during which some of them will give an account of their voluntary experience abroad.
5.30pm  -  Mass for those parents who had a baby since last year’s feast and the presentation of the babies to Maria Bambina.
7.00pm  -  Concelebrated Mass with the participation of the priests who this year are celebrating some kind of anniversary.  The families of the three choirs of the parish and the Emigrants who are on holiday are also invited.

MONDAY, 1st SEPTEMBER  -  10.00am  -  Mass for the sick and the residents of the Homes for the elderly.
5.15pm  -  Mass for all the children of the parish including also those from the zones.

The whole program of the feast can be seen on the website of the parish.
The printed program is being distributed to your homes this week.  It has many interesting articles and the history of Naxxar.  The envelopes with the contribution for the feast can be brought to the sacristy.

We appeal to everybody to be careful what language they use in their Facebook especially during these days and to keep the Christian spirit of Maria Bambina.

May we remind you that a Buffet Dinner is being held on 11th September.  Details will be given later.

Offers for the persecuted Christians in Iraq can be given to the Parish Priest or Rector. The Archpriest has so far received 405euro.

We thank you for last weekend’s collection in church which amounted to 1274euro.  Today’s collection will also be for the feast of Maria Bambina.  We thank you for your generosity.