Genesis2 Institute for Marriage and Family
is pleased to invite the public to two lectures
by Prof Dr William Nicoll & Prof Dr Monica Nicoll
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Following the very positive feedback we received from all participants on Professor William Nicoll’s talks on Positive Education at the Genesis 2 Institute for Marriage and Family last year, we are pleased that Bill will be returning to the Institute, this time with his wife Prof. Monica Nicoll, herself an accomplished and reputed family psychotherapist and lecturer, giving two sessions at the Institute:
Monday 14th July
Raising your Child's RQ (Resilience Quotient)
William G. Nicoll, Ph.D. & Monica A. Nicoll, Ph.D.
Raising your Child's RQ (Resilience Quotient)
William G. Nicoll, Ph.D. & Monica A. Nicoll, Ph.D.
Research evidence now clearly indicates that it is NOT IQ, Self-Esteem, nor School Grades that best determine success. Rather, it is your RQ (Resilience Quotient) that best determines your child's academic, career, social and relationship success in life. Learn practical parenting strategies for empowering your child(ren) by fostering a 'High RQ' that enables them to realize their full potential in life. Resilience involves the ability to “bounce back” from the hard knocks in life.
Wednesday 16th July
Raising your Marital RQ (Resilience Quotient)
Monica A. Nicoll, Ph.D. & William G. Nicoll, Ph.D.
Raising your Marital RQ (Resilience Quotient)
Monica A. Nicoll, Ph.D. & William G. Nicoll, Ph.D.
Learn practical strategies for increasing your Marital RQ and developing a socially-emotionally intelligent marriage relationship. Resilience involves the ability to not only establish a positive, fulfilling relationship, but also the ability to "bounce back" after the inevitable relationship obstacles, stressors and conflicts that arise from time to time and continue moving forward with an even stronger relationship.
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From our experience last year, we look forward to Bill’s and Monica’s academic yet practical and indeed humorous presentation on this very important topic of RQ which is being considered today among counsellors and therapists as very relevant in child upbringing and marital relationships. The sessions will be interactive so that participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Married couples, parents, grandparents, family councillors and practitioners in the caring profession are all encouraged to attend.
Married couples, parents, grandparents, family councillors and practitioners in the caring profession are all encouraged to attend.
Dates: 14th and 16th July 2014 at 7.00 pm (registration at 6.30 pm
Time : 7.00 -- 9.00 pm
Place : Genesis2 - 1, Oratory Street, Naxxar
Info :, or call on 99429907
Dr. William G. Nicoll, Ph.D. is a professor of counselling at Florida Atlantic University and has provided consulting and training programs throughout the world. He formerly served as the national trainer in Brief Counselling for the American Counselling Association, Vice-President of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology and Director of the Adlerian Training Institute and is currently co-director of the Resilience Counselling & Training Centre. Author of the book, “Developing Resilient Youth”, Dr. Nicoll is a world renowned consultant & trainer of counsellors, therapists and teachers. He is internationally known for his work in the areas of brief counselling and therapy, family counselling and school counselling including the development of resilient youth, bullying preventions, and the characteristics of effective school, classroom and family environments. Bill and Monica will be in Malta as the visiting lecturers running a summer course for counsellors at the University of Malta - Department of Social Wellbeing.
Genesis2 1, Oratory Street Naxxar, NXR2505 Malta Posted by Charles V. Farrugia Webmaster |