L-ahhar Updates / Latest Updates :-
IS-SIBT, 15 ta' FRAR 2014, FIS-7.30pm
24 ta' Novembru 2013
Hadd tas-Sena
9 ta’ Frar 2014
Hadd 9: Il-quddies tal-5.00pm u s-6.30pm
jkunu tal-festa tan-Nawfragju ta’ San Pawl u jissodisfaw il-precett tal-ghada
basta nkunu smajna quddiesa ohra s-Sibt jew il-Hadd filghodu.
Tnejn 10: Solennita’ tan-Nawfragju tal-Appostlu Missierna San
Pawl fuq gziritna –
festa kmandata bl-obbligu tal-quddies li jkun
bhal nhar ta’ Hadd. Nittamaw li
kulhadd jattendi ghall-quddiesa f’dan il-jum tal-Maghmudija ta’ pajjizna.
Tlieta 11: Billi niccelebraw l-ewwel dehra tal-Madonna f’Lourdes, infakkru
wkoll Jum il-Morda. Nitolbu ghal dawn
hutna biex ihossu l-prezenza tal-Mulej maghhom fil-mard permezz ta’ dawk li
jiehdu hsiebhom b’imhabba.
Hamis 13: Fis-7.00pm adorazzjoni animata mid-Devoti tal-Hniena
Sibt 15: Fil-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Gwann, fis-6.30pm Mons . Arcisqof se jiccelebra quddiesa u
jkellem lill-gharajjes. Wara jkollhom
l-opportunita’ jiltaqghu mal-Arcisqof personalment. Inheggu lil dawk li qed jahsbu bis-serjeta’
ghaz-zwieg biex jattendu din il-laqgha apposta ghalihom.
- Nitolbu ghall-hutna li
hallewna minn din il-komunita’ matul ix-xahar ta’ Jannar: Chanel Brincat,
Saviour Abela, Bro Michael Spiteri SJ, Patrick Beacon, Shazaia Mihalic,
Salvatore Said. Aghtihom, Mulej, il-mistrieh ta’ dejjem…
- Nitolbu lil dawk li jkunu
se jaghmluha ta’ parrini fil-Maghmudija u l-Grizma tal-Isqof biex jigu huma
personmalment fl-ufficcju parrokkjali ghad-dikjarazzjopni li jistghu jaghmluha
ta’ parrini. M’ghandomx jibghatu ‘l xi
hadd iehor flokhom ghax din hi dikjarazzjoni personali.
- Infakkru Ii dawn huma
l-ahhar granet tal-Bazaar tas-sorijiet Dumnikani b’risq ir-restawr tal-kappella
tal-Kuncizzjoni. Jispicca fl-10 ta’
- Illum issir il-gabra
specjali ghall-parrocca. Tajjeb tkunu
tafu li bhalissa qed jissewwew il-bjut tal-knisja minn barra; qed jigi
rrestawrat l-altar ta’ San Guzepp kif ukoll beda x-xoghol fis-sagristija
l-qadimna biex tintuza wkoll bhala crying room.
Nittamaw li kulhadd jifhem il-bzonn li jikkontribwixxi mill-ahjar li
jista’ fil-gabra li se ssir waqt l-offertorju.
Grazzi tal-interess u l-ghajnuna taghkom... .......aghfas hawn
IS-SIBT, 15 ta' FRAR 2014, FIS-7.30pm
“Il-Mahfra - the
power of forgiveness"
immexxija mill-koppja Godfrey u Anna
LEJLET U NHAR IL-MILIED 2013 - aghfas hawn
Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratti t'hawn taht u tara r-ritratti kollha
Pentecoste - Ghid il-Hamsin......................08 ta' Gunju
L-Ewwel Tqarbina: Centru Sghajtar............14 ta' Gunju (PM)
L-Ewwel Sibt tal-Bambina.........................12 ta' Lulju
LEJLET U NHAR IL-MILIED 2013 - aghfas hawn
Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratti t'hawn taht u tara r-ritratti kollha
Ras ir-Randan........................................05 ta' Marzu
Pellegrinagg Redentur..............................28 ta' Marzu
Purcissjoni tad-Duluri...............................11 ta' April
Hadd il-Palm...........................................13 ta' April
Gimgha l-Kbira........................................18 ta' April
Ghid il-Kbir.............................................20 ta' April
San Guzepp............................................04 ta' Mejju
Pentecoste - Ghid il-Hamsin......................08 ta' Gunju
L-Ewwel Tqarbina: Centru Sghajtar............14 ta' Gunju (PM)
L-Ewwel Tqarbina: Museum Bniet u Subien...15 ta' Gunju (AM)
Purcissjoni ta' Corpus Domini.....................22 ta' Gunju
L-Ewwel Tqarbina: San Pawl tat-Targa.......09 ta' Gunju
L-Ewwel Tqarbina: San Pawl tat-Targa.......09 ta' Gunju
Kwaranturi.............................................25 ta' Gunju
Kwaranturi.............................................26 ta' Gunju
Kwaranturi.............................................27 ta' Gunju
Purcissjoni Qalb ta' Gesu..........................29 ta' Gunju
L-Ewwel Sibt tal-Bambina.........................12 ta' Lulju
Hrug tal-Bambina min-nicca......................28 ta' Awwissu
Festa Marija Bambina..............................08 ta' Settembru
Purcissjoni tal-Madonna tar-Ruzarju...........05 ta' Ottubru
Festa Kristu Re......................................23 ta' Novembru
Grizma ta' l-Isqof - Sghajtar...............29 ta' Novembru (PM)
Grizma ta' l-Isqof - Museum................30 ta' Novembru (PM)
Bidu ta' l-Avvent....................................30 ta' Novembru
24 ta' Novembru 2013
“How I rejoiced when they said to me: ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’...” Psalm 122
25 February – 4 March 2014
Naxxar Parish
Tue Feb 25: Meeting at Malta International Airport at 10.15am. Departure at 1.25am by Air Malta direct flight to Tel Aviv, Israel. Arrival at Tel Aviv at 5.05pm. Drive to Nazareth. Dinner and overnight in Nazareth.
Wed Feb 26: After breakfast we visit the church of the Annunciation and celebrate our first Mass; St Joseph Church and Mary’s well in Nazareth. Then proceed to the port-city of Haifa and visit the Carmel (Lunch). In the afternoon we proceed to Mt Tabor where we contemplate the Transfiguration of our Lord. Then Cana of Galilee where according to John, Jesus performed his first miracle. Married couples will renew their marriage vows. Dinner and overnight in Nazareth.
Thu Feb 27: The morning will be spent on the shores of the beautiful Lake of Galilee. After breakfast we visit the Mount of the Beatidudes and the church of the Primacy of Peter on the shores of the lake. Then proceed to Caparneum - Jesus’ city, visit the Synagogue and celebrate Mass at Saint Peter’s Memorial. At Tabga we visit the church of the Multiplication of Loaves. After lunch we cross the Lake of Galilee by boat. In the afternoon we proceed to the River Jordan renewing our Baptismal Vows. Dinner and overnight in Nazaerth.
Fri Feb 28: Breakfast and check-out. We pass through the Valley of Jericho and reach the very ancient city of Jericho. We move on to Qumran where we visit the remains of the city belonging to the sect of the Essenes and the caves where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls where discoverd in 1948. Then proceed to the Dead Sea for a swim. Lunch. In the afternoon we pass through the Desert of Judas and reach Bethany – the village of Lazarus, Mary and Martha (Mass). After Bethany we will have the first glimpse of the walls of Jerusalem – the holy city revered by Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. On the coach we recite Psalm 122 which all the Jews used to recite before reaching the holy city. Time permitting we will pay our first visit to the Holy Sepulchre of our Lord. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.
Sat Mar 1: After breakfast we cross over to Bethlehem (check points) and visit the church of the Nativity and then on to the Shepherds’ field (Mass). At noon we participate in the procession held daily in the basilica by the Franciscans venerating the place of birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lunch. In the afternoon we visit Ein Karem especially the church of the Visitation of Mary to Elisabeth and the church marking the birth of John the Baptist. After dinner, Holy Hour in the Church of All
Nations (next to Getsemane). This should be one of the most solemn and devout moments of our tour. Overnight in Jerusalem.
Sun Mar 2: Breakfast. The whole morning will be spent at Masada south of Jerusalem which will be reached by cable car. Masada, rising above the Dead Sea is the symbol of the resistance of the Jews against the Romans. Lunch. In the afternoon back to Jerusalem visiting Mt Zion, the Cenacolino where we celebrate Mass of the Last Supper, the Upper Room, the Dormition church and the Jewish quarter including the Western Wall or wailing wall. Dinner and in the evening an excursion to new Jerusalem visiting also Mea Sharim - the area where the Religious Jews live.
Mon Mar 3: Early Mass in the Holy Sepulchre. After breakfast we visit the Church of St Anne including the crypt commemorating the birth of Our Lady; Bethesda pool, the churches of Condemnation and Flagellation and pray the Via Crucis along the Via Dolorosa. Lunch. At 4.00pm we participate in the daily procession held by the Franciscans in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. Then free evening in the Old City.
Tue Mar 4: Breakfast and check-out. The whole morning will be spent on the Mount of Olives visiting Betfage (the village from where the procession of Palm Sunday starts), the churches of Ascension, Pater Noster and Dominus Flevit where we celebrate the last Mass of the pilgrimage. Then proceed to the Kidron Valley visiting the Garden of Getsemane, Mary’s tomb, the Apostles’ Grotto and the church of Saint Peter’s in Gallicantu (cock crows). Lunch and transfer to Airport, departing Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport at 6.00pm and arriving at Malta International Airport at 8.10pm.
Price per person:
Adult in Triple: e1091
Adult in Twin: e1121
Adult in Single e1328
Child under 12 years with 2 adults e898
Nazareth: Maayan Hotel
Jerusalem: Ramada Hotel
(or similar)
Price includes:
Direct Air Malta flights: Malta / Tel Aviv / Malta
Seven nights accomodation on Full Board basis
Transport as per programme
All entrances
Local English speaking guides
All taxes and tips
A deposit of €200 is requested to effect booking.
1. Although this is a Pilgrimage the programme has not been crammed purposely to offer moments of relaxation and enjoy the beautiful spots of Israel;
2. The whole Programme will be covered but there might be some adjustments on the day to facilitate travelling or gain time;
3. Everybody is encouraged to be covered by an Insurance policy.
4. Those who would like to enjoy a swim in the Dead Sea are advised to bring the bathing costume.
Travel Agent: Brittania Travel Ltd. Tel: 21238039 – 21245418
Tour Leader & Spiritual Director: Archpriest Evan Caruana Mob:79274587
9th FEBRUARY 2014
9th FEBRUARY 2014
Il-Grupp Animazzjoni Missjunarja Teresa Nuzzo ser jorganizza grupp biex imur
erba' gimghat jaghmel xoghol volontarju fil-Filippini ghand is-sorijiet Ulied il-Qalb ta' Gesu'
li ghandhom tliet kunventi f'postijiet differenti.
Min ghandu x-xewqa li jaghmel din l-esperjenza fil-missjoni jcempel
sa mhux aktar tard mill-ahhar ta' Frar, fuq
79200343 jew 79922989 / 9922989
Ser isuru laqghat kull nhar ta' Hamis mill-5.30pm sa 7.00pm bhala preparazzjoni
Grupp mill-Ghana waqt Quddiesa ghal Missjoni fil-Parrocca - Ottubru 2013
Il-Grupp Animazzjoni Missjunarja Teresa Nuzzo ser jorganizza grupp biex imur
erba' gimghat jaghmel xoghol volontarju fil-Filippini ghand is-sorijiet Ulied il-Qalb ta' Gesu'
li ghandhom tliet kunventi f'postijiet differenti.
Min ghandu x-xewqa li jaghmel din l-esperjenza fil-missjoni jcempel
sa mhux aktar tard mill-ahhar ta' Frar, fuq
79200343 jew 79922989 / 9922989
Ser isuru laqghat kull nhar ta' Hamis mill-5.30pm sa 7.00pm bhala preparazzjoni
Course - Raising Resilient Children
A Course in Positive Parenting
Raising Resilient Children
-a course in positive parenting-
-a course in positive parenting-
(Ages 6 – 12 years)
No matter how much we love our children, we are often left feeling exhausted, frustrated and helpless by the challenges we are faced with daily, in our efforts to raise well-adjusted confident children.
Encouraged by the positive feedback we have received following the inception course, Raising Resilient Children (Ages 0-6 years), we are pleased to announce the follow-up course, Raising Resilient Children (Ages 6-12 year). Details below.
Course Objective: The course traces the psychological, cognitive, social and emotional development of a child during the sensitive formative years (ages 6-12), teaching the skills required to influence positively this development and the child’s developing personality. Reflecting on various characteristic traits in the child’s behaviour during this period, it encourages positive parenting. The course is academic, researched and very practical, allowing time for discussion during the sessions.
Speakers: Joyce Callus and Sue Mohnani (professional counsellors)
Commencing: Monday 27th January 2014, and the following six consecutive Mondays
Time: 7.30 – 9.30 pm
Course Language: English
Where: Genesis2, Institute for Marriage and Family, 1, Oratory Street, Naxxar
Who should attend: Parents and grandparents
Contribution: €50 per person, or, €75 if both parents attending together
Bookings: Kindly book by sending an email to or phone 99429907, followed by sending a cheque for the relevant amount of contribution to Genesis2 Institute for Marriage and Family, 1, Oratory Street, Naxxar. Cheques to be made payable to Genesis2. Applications cannot be processed until payment is received.
Early booking is recommend since number of participants is restricted due to the interactive structure of the course. Applications will be accepted on a first come basis.
għal persuni li għaddew minn separazzjoni
organizzati mill-
Kummissjoni Djocesana Familja
Moviment ta’ Kana u Caritas
Dati: Mill-10 ta’ Marzu sal-14 ta’ Marzu 2014 - Hin 7pm
Post: Knisja tas-Sarrija, il-Furjana
Predikatur: Dun Kevin Schembri
Grupp mill-Ghana waqt Quddiesa ghal Missjoni fil-Parrocca - Ottubru 2013
Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratti biex tara r-ritratti kollha
ARCHPRIEST's MESSAGE (Is-Sibt 24 ta’ Awwissu 2013 )
Traġedji, Kumdita’, Għeluq
1. IL-FATT LI AĦNA POPLU ŻGĦIR U NGĦIXU FUQ GŻIRA ŻGĦIRA, aħna meħlusa minn traġedji ta’ proporzjonijiet kbar bħal ma nisimgħu jiġru kważi kuljum f’diversi pajjiżi. Biex insemmi xi wħud: il-vjolenza li qed taħkem l-Eġittu u s-Sirja; l-inċidenti gravi tat-tren f’Santiago de Compostella u tal-coach fin-naħa t’isfel tal-Italja; l-għarqa ta’ vaporetto bil-passiġġieri fil-Filippini u l-isplużjoni ta’ submarine Indjan; it-terremoti fiċ-Ċina u nħawi oħra; it-trombi tal-arja fl-Amerika ta’ Fuq u l-maltemp qawwi f’diversi nħawi tad-dinja... Il-lista hi twila u ma tispiċċa qatt. Ilkoll kemm aħna “nirringrazzjaw ‘l Alla” għax traġedji bħal dawn lilna rari jmissuna. Tajjeb iżda li ninteressaw ruħna f’dak li jkun qed jiġri fid-dinja għax dawk li qed jiġu effettwati huma bnedmin bħalna. U t-tbatija ta’ kull bniedem għandha dejjem tinteressana.
2. MIN-NAĦA L-OĦRA, FUQ IX-XTUT TAL-MEDITERRAN QED ISSEĦĦ TRAĠEDJA OĦRA – dik tal-immigranti. Kull meta nara l-filmati ta’ dgħajjes b’immigranti, uħud minnhom nofshom mejta, deħlin f’pajjiżna, aktar milli naħseb fil-problema li dawn se jikkawzawlna, nipprova naħseb fuq il-problema li jkunu għadhom kemm għaddew minnha huma. Aħna, minn djarna, ma nistgħux nimmaġinaw eżatt dawn in-nies minn xhiex ikunu għaddew biex waslu fostna. Il-vjaġġi twal biex ħallew pajjiżhom, daħlu l-Libja, qasmu l-Mediterran huma u jaraw uħud minn sħabhom imutu mgħarrqin quddiem għajnejhom, is-sħana u n-nixfa li jġarrbu bejn sema u ilma... .......ikompli aghfas hawn
LILL-INSARA-KATTOLIĊI (Is-Sibt 10 ta’ Awwissu 2013 )
NGOs, Xbiek, Salib it-toroq
KIF TAFU, IŻ-ŻJARA TAL-PAPA FRANĠISKU fil-Brażil ġiet u marret. Nistgħu ngħidu bla tlaqliq li kienet suċċess u żgur li ħalliet impatt kemm fuq dawk li kienu preżenti kif ukoll fuqna li segwejniha permezz tal-media. Din kienet l-ewwel żjara tiegħu barra mill-Vatikan u allura kien hemm ċerta aspettattiva. Il-ġesti tiegħu, uħud minnhom innovattivi, ġibduna lkoll. Tajjeb iżda li ma nibqgħux fuq il-ġesti iżda nixtarru wkoll id-diskorsi tiegħu li meta wieħed jirrifletti fuqhom jinduna kemm huma prattiċi u kemm jistgħu jgħinuna fil-ħajja tagħna umana u Nisranija. Illum se nieħu xi siltiet mill-ħafna diskorsi li għamel fil-Brażil fl-okkażjoni tat-28 Jum Dinji taż-Żgħażagħ għar-riflessjoni tagħna:
“It-tnaqqis fit-tixrid u l-influwenza tad-droga ma nilħquhx billi nilliberalizzaw id-droga kif qed jiġi propost f’diversi partijiet tal-Amerika Latina. Huwa aktar neċessarju ikompli aghfas hawn
Imigrazzjoni: Għaliex ħutna ż-żgħar ibeżżgħuna?
Dan l-aħħar qamet diskussjoni kbira dwar il-limiti għall-ospitalità li nistgħu noffru aħna l-Maltin għall-vittmi tal-immigrazzjoni forzata. Hemm limiti ovvji - il-fatt li aħna gżira, popolazzjoni żgħira, u fl-istess ħin fuq art żgħira. Malta għandha l-iżjed densità qawwija ta’ popolazzjoni fl-Ewropa. L-impatt ta’ mijiet ta’ immigranti forzati fuq is-socjetà tagħna ...ikompli aghfas hawn
As the fragility of marriages increases, the lavishness of weddings increases too. Is it a question of investing in form at the expense of substance?
People may and do disagree about what marriage is. But all newly-weds seem to agree that weddings are becoming a costly nightmare. I often wonder if investing more in marriage than in weddings would result in longer-lasting and happier families. Who knows? continue click here...- PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE - CLICK HERE
Ikklikkja fuq l-istampa
Xoghol u Restawr
IL-HADD, 9 ta' GUNJU 2013
(Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratt biex tara r-ritrratti kollha)
IL-HADD, 9 ta' GUNJU 2013
(Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratt biex tara r-ritrratti kollha)
IL-HADD, 2 ta' GUNJU 2013
(Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratt biex tara r-ritrratti kollha)
(Ikklikkja fuq ir-ritratt biex tara r-ritrratti kollha)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
- Kull nhar ta' Gimgha, fis-7.00pm. dettalji aghfas hawn
- ISMA' U ARA L-VIDEO - aghfas hawn
All updates Posted by Charles V. Farrugia